The Selection has narrowed down to just six girls. Who will win the Prince and the crown?
**Please be aware of SPOILERS if you have not read The Selection**
Tensions rise as the selection is narrowed down. True motives are shown and more than one heart is broken. The intensity dramatically increases in The Elite. Rebel attacks become more frequent and violent. Passion is heightened and the stakes are higher than ever. Who will stay and who will be sent home?
"It wasn't like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn't some explosion; it wasn't fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out." - The Elite Page 298
I found The Elite even more engrossing than The Selection. An excellent continuation of the series. Kiera's writing improves with this book and I was very impressed. Little things in the dialogue from The Selection were ironed out in The Elite. As America's diplomatic training progresses, so does the writer evolve with her. Excellent!!! While the passion is slightly intensified, it remains "clean". Nothing goes farther than passionate kissing. Again, parents please use your own discretion for your kids. Already started The One...And I was smart this time...I also have The Heir in my possession. The Crown is the fifth and final book in the series, and is due to be released in May. I can NOT wait!!! (For more about content go here.)
Purchase Options:

The Guard - By now you will be quite familiar with Aspen Leger. The man who first broke America's heart and the main reason she signed up for the selection in the first place. But who is the man behind the sweet words and tender kisses? The man who thought he had nothing to offer.
There are several scenes that overlap from The Elite in this novella. It was enlightening to see these scenes unfold through Aspen's perspective. Very helpful overall to learn more about his character. It is perfect to read AFTER The Elite.
"We know you're strong, but accepting help is its own kind of strength."
- Happily Ever After (The Guard) - page 244
There are several scenes that overlap from The Elite in this novella. It was enlightening to see these scenes unfold through Aspen's perspective. Very helpful overall to learn more about his character. It is perfect to read AFTER The Elite.
The Favorite - **READ THIS AFTER THE ONE**
As you well know, Marlee was the public's favorite, as well as America's best friend. In The Elite, certain circumstances come into play that changes Marlee's future forever. Whether for good or bad, I will let you be the judge of that.
Scenes from The Elite are replayed through Marlee's eyes and one scene in particular that is very heart wrenching is seen again here as well as in The Guard. When I was almost done with The Favorite I came across a minor spoiler. I was disappointed as this particular scene had not happened yet in America's timeline. It didn't give away a ton though, so I kept reading. A few pages later there was another MAJOR spoiler. I slammed the book shut and promptly picked up The One. Finding out that the first spoiler doesn't happen until page 104 in The One and I am almost done with the book now and still have not come across the second spoiler. Goodreads lists this book as #2.6. Therefore, I decided to read it in order. DO NOT DO THIS!!! Unless you like spoilers...Other than that it is very well written and in a slightly different style. I really did enjoy it! And will finish it as soon as I am done with The One!
As you well know, Marlee was the public's favorite, as well as America's best friend. In The Elite, certain circumstances come into play that changes Marlee's future forever. Whether for good or bad, I will let you be the judge of that.
Scenes from The Elite are replayed through Marlee's eyes and one scene in particular that is very heart wrenching is seen again here as well as in The Guard. When I was almost done with The Favorite I came across a minor spoiler. I was disappointed as this particular scene had not happened yet in America's timeline. It didn't give away a ton though, so I kept reading. A few pages later there was another MAJOR spoiler. I slammed the book shut and promptly picked up The One. Finding out that the first spoiler doesn't happen until page 104 in The One and I am almost done with the book now and still have not come across the second spoiler. Goodreads lists this book as #2.6. Therefore, I decided to read it in order. DO NOT DO THIS!!! Unless you like spoilers...Other than that it is very well written and in a slightly different style. I really did enjoy it! And will finish it as soon as I am done with The One!
All of The Selection stories can be found here, or you can purchase them individually.
Links to Amazon:
The Selection - If you have not read the first book, I STRONGLY encourage you to do so! You will be completely lost if you don't! i would also encourage you to read The Queen and The Prince, they both give valuable insight into the lives of the other characters. Read my review and find purchase links here.
I have found all of The Selection Series books at my local library. All opinions expressed are mine alone.