This week...I am breaking the rules...I mean HOW am I supposed to pick only TEN favorite books that I have read so far this year??? So, there are no numbers this week. I divided it up by category though, so hopefully it is a little easier to navigate. Click on the image for more information about each book. Reviews, purchase links, etc. And there are several, SEVERAL more books that I have read this year that are FABULOUS! I decided to include those books that I have rated with a 5 star (or higher).
The Broke and the Bookish hosts Top Ten Tuesday every week. Check them out if you want to be a part of this crazy fun feature!

What are (some of) your top reads of the year?
There you have it! (I realised this is going to make my end of the year post so much easier this year hehe!) Now, I want to hear from YOU! What books are you swooning over this year?
Thanks for visiting!