It could be really super easy to continue repeating my favorite books/ here is a list with a little different variety. I inevitably missed some books. Please know it was not intentional. Thanks to the wonderful people at The Broke and the Bookish for hosting Top Ten Tuesday. Click on the IMAGE to go to the author's website. The links for Amazon and Goodreads are included below the cover photo for each series beginning. And no particular order...Series that I wish there were more hours in the day for...
What series is at the top of your "I really need to get to that someday" list?
Walker Family
By Melissa Tagg
It all starts with Three Little Words. A FREE novella. Three little words that I have yet to read.
The Gifting Series
by K. E. Ganshert
This series has been calling my name since it came out. The first book, The Gifting, is available for FREE.
Matched Trilogy
by Ally Condie
Young Adult is one of my favorite genres. This series has been on my list for a LOOOOOOOONG time...
The Kingkiller Chronicles
by Patrick Rothfuss
My Wendy (you can meet her in her guest post HERE) recommended this series to me. My husband has read it (or what is available of it) TWICE. And I haven't even cracked the pages yet. It also doesn't help that I met the artist who created the maps. #BookBloggerFail

Hidden Masterpiece Books
by Kristy Cambron
If I could drop everything and read something...ANYTHING...I think I would end up here. Kristy is one of my favorite authors and I have been longing to read these book.
The Heart of San Francisco Series
by Julie Lessman
I met Julie last summer and won this whole series...and got it signed...They have been staring at me from their perch on the shelf...taunting me. *Sigh* someday....
Elite Guardians
by Lynette Eason
This series intrigues me SO MUCH! I now have book 4 sitting on my shelf (an advanced copy that I got for free through LibaryThing) but have to come back and start here...
by Scott Westerfeld
Ya...told you Young Adult is a favorite. I LOVED Scott's Leviathan series. I can't wait to get my hands on this one now.
Belle Meade Plantation
by Tamera Alexander
After visiting the Belle Meade Plantation myself in Nashville last summer...I have been LONGING to read these books. To immerse myself in the world where I have actually set foot. Be still my nerd girl heart!
Michigan Brides
by Jody Hedlund
Jody is a forever favorite. I have read and/or own ALL of her books. I have been putting off some of them though, because....You can only read a book for the first time ONCE.