We all have them....Books that we keep MEANING to read. And for some reason...we just keep putting them off. Whether it's because another book comes along that we just want to read even more...or we secretly don't want to start it yet, because, you know...you can only read a book for the first time...ONCE....
At any rate this week's Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl (which btw, I JUST learned tonight that after 8 years, The Broke and the Bookish have passed on the mantle of TTT to That Artsy Reader Girl) is all about the books that have been on my TBR the longest...and still haven't read. I am going off of my Goodreads list here....Because otherwise, I would have NO sense of when any of these books were "Officially" added to my TBR....So here goes ***Let the cringing begin*** (These were all added in 2014, back when I first got back into reading full time)