
Top Ten Tuesday - Pride and Prejudice Variations

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

When I realised that That Artsy Reader Girl gave us a freebie this week...I almost cried...Ok not really. But there is something comforting about being guided in a direction for a blog post. And then...All of a sudden it dawned on me...PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!!! I just launched a book club with one of my dear friends (who owns Oh! Loops and dyes yarn with incredible themed ideas) and we had a themed goodie "basket" to give away at out first group discussion...I am so jealous too. I wanted to keep it! Here is a photo:

Can you guess the theme? Yup...Pride and Prejudice...Which then inspired today's post. Some of my favorite variations of this classic story that just leaves a mark on your very soul...In no particular order...

What are your favorite CLASSICS variation?

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