How can we be celebrating another NEW year already? How fast 2019 went! So many memories made...books read...and blog posts never written. 😏

(Graphic created by Carrie and her Knightley)
2019 was a year of many transitions and adjusting to several "new normal"s for my family. From my husband joining the Fire Department, to my youngest son (Ezra) starting Kindergarten...We have all felt the full effect of change.
I have decided to lift the pressure that I have placed on myself and have resolved to post LESS this year. I WILL still be posting my reviews here! But I'll be cutting out the "extra posts". However...I WILL still be posting on my group blog Hoarding Books and make sure you check out my Instagram as I am actively growing my profile there. You will also be seeing more posts for JustRead Tours in the near future. 😀
I am so blessed and grateful to the bookish community! The authors, fellow readers, and FRIENDS that I have gotten to know have meant the world to me and I am here today because of RELATIONSHIP! I can't wait to see what this year holds.
Happy New Year!
💜 Rachel